Monday, December 7, 2009

The first day

So far, I'm not doing so well. I guess since I didn't post the first post until just a few minutes ago, I made excuses in my head.

This is exactly why I had to make such a public thing of this: my dedication to changing myself.

I know I should advertise this about to my friends, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to. I will, eventually.

I got five hours of sleep last night and missed my first two classes. Whoops. I didn't even do anything fun or interesting with all that wasted time, and I think more than anything, that's why I want to change. I want the time I spend to be productive. I want to be a productive person.

So here it is. I've been out of classes and work for four hours now. I have a half hour left to spend on other things, but I don't want to waste it. I'm beginning to feel how very important all this waste is. It's strange, but I guess I'm almost realizing that everything I do is preparing me for the rest of my life. I always knew that, but never... as thoroughly. Perhaps I don't make any sense. That's quite all right.

I'm spending ten minutes now, writing and complaining, and then I'll go spend 15 minutes exercising, and then I am going to do calculus, because calculus is clean, and simple.

The snow ate me pretty well today. It was an unpleasant happening. I was walking down the hill to class, and then it ate me. Fwoomp. Not cool.

I'm not sure what the snow has to do with focus, but I'm sure I'll discover what it is eventually.

Stay focused, and stay on it,

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